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Volunteer of the Month: Rachel Y

Hats off to an enthusiastic graphic designer!

September 30, 2020

Rachel contacted us during the (northern hemisphere) summer of the coronavirus pandemic when she had seen a role posted on her company's internal portal for a graphic designer. She wanted to use her newfound quarantine time to use her creative skills outside of her day-to-day job. While our agricultural approach is quite technical, we express our brand quite colorfully. Rachel helped us embody our new brand visuals into graphic designs that help us connect with readers like you!

What drew you to The Harvest Fund’s mission?

I was most drawn to The Harvest Fund due to its emphasis on female empowerment. Their mission to help impoverished female farmers is very unique and something I had not considered before. I wanted to learn more about this cause and how I could help contribute.

What inspired you the most after learning more about our women farmers? (or share anything that inspired you about our model or approach)

I really admire the organization's approach of equipping farmers with enough resources and training needed to support their ability to eventually be self-sufficient. This holistic approach helps farmers drive their own success with more confidence. In turn, farmers can independently thrive even after participating in the program and can potentially help others in their community do the same.

If you were to be a farmer, what would you grow and why?

I unfortunately already have a hard time maintaining houseplants, let alone vegetables, but my first thought was potatoes since there are so many variations in how we cook and eat potatoes. I think I would be highly motivated to take care of a potato farm if I get to eat what I yield!

You’ve obviously got a knack for design so share an insider tip with our audience!

I try my best to stand by the "less is more" mentality as it really makes a big difference! Sticking to just one or two fonts and a few colors keeps the overall design much more coherent. It allows the creator to effectively highlight a theme or message since there are less colors and elements competing for the eye's attention.

Wondering how you, like Rachel, can join The Harvest Fund's volunteer program? Email us at with your resume/CV and tell us about an idea for a volunteer project. We oftentimes have needs for graphic designers, digital marketers, accountants, and Excel modelers. All volunteer roles are remote and can be performed anywhere where you have computer and internet access. Volunteer today to empower an African woman farmer!